Apache.org hack - F-Secure Weblog : News from the Labによるとこんなアナウンスが出たよーだ。
The Infrastructure Team of The Apache Software Foundation is currently investigating a potential compromise of one of our servers . For security reasons most apache.org services are therefore offline , but will be restored shortly. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.うーむ。よくわからんが、要約すると「なんだかapache.orgがやばい攻撃を受けたのでちょっとオフラインにしちゃうのでちょっと待ってて。ヨーロッパのミラーマシンを使って復旧させるっす」ってことなのかな?(謎)
10:42am UTC: Compromise was due to a compromised SSH Key , not due to any software exploits in Apache itself.
More details soon.
10:53am UTC: We have restored services on our european mirror machine which was not compromised. DNS should be shifting you over right about ... now..
apache.org downtime - initial report : Apache Infrastructure Teamを見ると攻撃者がサーバ上にいくつかファイルを作っちゃったりしたよーなことを書いてるが大丈夫なのかねぇ。